Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Ninja Tag

Our last assignment was to make prints. Prints are the same image printed over and over again. These are ones done by hand using a easy-cut surface. Prints are made when you put ink over a surface and press it against a paper to transfer the ink. The way we did this is we carved into the easy-cut (its made of like eraserish-plastic stuff that's easy to carve into with a tool) whatever we wanted to show through (for example, i wanted the yellow paper to show through where the white of the eyes were, so I carved the eyes out) and then inked the surface, pressing it down onto multiple surfaces. After that we carved more out of the board, whatever parts we wanted to show through as our second color (for example I wanted the pink gradient to show through for the face's skin, so I carved out the face). We carved the faces around 4 times to meet the requirement of 3 different colors. I named my print ninja tag because its a picture of a ninja assassin and it looks like a tag someone would spray paint onto a wall. We put these prints on multiple surfaces. (sorry bad quality pictures)

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